
Sandwich Hoop

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What I am currently implementing


Working jumps,
Hitbox issues,
saving and reading data externally,
I have largely managed to implement working jumps, at first I was struggling to figure it out, but then with some jangly clock and gravity mechanics I've built a jump that I'm happy with.
For hitbox issues, I originally circumvented this by having the player experience gravity whenever they are NOT touching the ground hitbox, however as the ground texture has many levels, it is possible for the player to go inside of the ground, as its hitbox only cares if the player is coming from above. My idea is to implement a sideways sort of gravity if the player is performing the exploit.
Saving and reading data has been more successful than I expected, I initially planned to take ...inspiration... from a repo I had found, but later I found an easier way of appending data to a text document. This means using some booleans the players progress can be saved and recovered when replaying. This has been successful.
I'll keep posting here with future updates.
Yours, SH